The 51st Tiger Meet was to take place at Konya, Turkey during 4-16th May 2015 and hosted by 192 Filo.Established in 1961, the NATO Tiger Association's role is to promote solidarity between NATO air forces. It is not officially part of the formal NATO structure, but provides opportunities for NATO air forces to share ideas and experiences.

Nato Tiger Meet 2015, Konya AFB, Turkey
As of March 2015, the squadrons included in the Association are 23 full members, 10 honorary members, 1 probationary member, and 7 disbanded members, all of which have a tiger as part of its squadron crest.
The number of participating countries was down this year due to other exercises taking place however, there was certainly quality on show.

Flying Participants:
192 Filo (TuAF): F-16C/D Block 50 Fighting Falcon (8x)
1 AEW&CS (NATO): E-3A Sentry (2x)
6 ELT (PolAF): F-16C/D Block 52 Fighting Falcon (6x)
Staffel 11 (ChAF): F/A-18C/D Hornet (3x)
EC 1/7 (FAF): Rafale C/B (4x)
21° Gruppo (ItAF): AB-212ICO (2x)
Trophy Winners:
Tiger Games: 6 Eskadra Lotnictwa Taktycznego (POL)
Silver Tiger Trophy: 21° Gruppo (ITA)
Best Skit: Fliegerstaffel 11 (CHE)
Best Painted Tiger Aircraft: 192 nci Filo (TUR)
Best Looking Uniform: 192 nci Filo (TUR)
Best Flying Unit: Escadron de Chasse 1/7 'Provence' (FRA)
External Participants:
334 Sqn (RNlAF): KDC-10 (1x)
131 Filo (TuAF): F-16C/D Block 30 Fighting Falcon (8x)

Reference: Nato Tigers Association