Rainbow Canyon, Death Valley, California USA
Within the United States of America there are a number of military low level training areas. Rainbow Canyon in Death Valley is a popular location for this type of activity given its varied and mountainous terrain, and this area is also referred to as the Jedi Transition.
It should be noted that aircraft are by no means guaranteed on any given day. It is quite possible to draw a 'blank' depending on military operations, serviceability and weather factors to name a few. However, with determination and patience the rewards can be exceptional. Types of aircraft that may be seen in the area include, F-35 Lightning II, F-22 Raptor, F-15 Eagle, F/A-18 Hornet, AV8B Harrier, Talon and Hercules. If there is a detachment of foreign aircraft within the USA for a Red Flag Exercise (Nellis AFB) or other who knows, you may get lucky!